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island eccentricities - the obituary of mrs starling


The plaque on the side of this mailbox reads: “In loving memory of Mrs. Starling, whose home this was between 2003 and 2008. She raised many little starlings here, and defaced many intrusive letters, before laying herself to rest in 2009 back in her own home, No. 1 Post Box, Knockrome, her life’s work done.”

It is eccentricities such as this, not only tolerated but celebrated in small island communities, that play a huge part in sculpting their cultural identity.  Everyone has a story to tell and a role to play in such a small, finely tuned ecosystem, and this creates, in my opinion, the vitality and pride that one sees in the groups of people living on small islands.  I also find that eccentricity is harder to spot in mainland life, where people are able to live their lives more anonymously.